Strategy & Goals

Abercrombie & Fitch Co.’s sustainability goals align with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which address global challenges, such as poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation, prosperity and peace and justice.

Strategy and Goals

Our Approach

  • Social Impact

    We’re committed to global human and labor rights and to ensuring our products are only made in safe and responsible facilities. We believe business should only be conducted with honesty and respect for the dignity and rights of all people, so we partner with our suppliers to promote worker safety and fair social and labor conditions and to increase gender equality and well-being. 

  • Environmental Impact

    We’re advancing environmental initiatives in our internal practices by increasing education and awareness throughout our partnership base and through collaboration with the communities where we make and sell our products. On behalf of the customers, employees, stockholders and communities we serve, we focus on GHG emissions, water and waste reduction in our operations and across the supply chain, and we strive to source moresustainable materials.

  • Stakeholder Engagement

    A&F Co. conducted a Materiality Assessment in 2022 to align our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) goals with company and stakeholder priorities. The assessment reflects the input of nearly 900 internal and external stakeholders.

  • Governance

    As a United Nations Global Compact participant, and in alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, A&F Co. is committed to high standards of corporate governance and has a structure to help manage human rights, labor, environmental and anti-corruption practices. The Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Committee of the Board of Directors at A&F Co. is responsible for the oversight of risks associated with ESG strategies, policies, practices and programs. The Global Sustainability Department manages the environmental, climate and social practices, including communications, reporting, goal setting and implementation of strategy.

Our Commitment through
Corporate Goals

As a purpose-driven company, it’s important for A&F Co. to align our business practices and priorities with our values. In 2023, we refreshed our existing 2019 sustainability goals and added new goals related to other social and governance priorities. View our ESG goals here.

Sustainability Progress Highlights

View our progress against our social and environmental goals below…

Human Rights and Labor Conditions

Provide Supply Chain Workers Access Well-Being and Empowerment Programs: 50,000 workers by 2027

A&F Co. trained  8,436 workers through well-being programs in fiscal year 2023.

2019Target by 2027

Participate in A&F’s Social Audit Program: 100% of Tier 1 and Logoed Suppliers on an Ongoing Basis

100% of A&F Co. Tier 1 and Logoed Suppliers participated in the Social Audit Program in fiscal year 2023.

100%Achieved in 2023
2023Target by 2027

Complete Higg Index Facility Social & Labor Module (“FSLM”) or Social & Labor Convergence Program (“SLCP”): 100% of Laundries by 2028

79% of A&F Co. laundries completed the Higg FSLM or SLCP in fiscal year 2023.

2023Target by 2028

Complete Higg Index FSLM or SLCP: 100% of Top Producing Fabric Mills (i.e. 80% production volume) by 2028.

90% of A&F Co. top producing fabric mills completed the Higg FSLM or SLCP in fiscal year 2023.

2023Target by 2028

Train Employees on Gender-Based Violance Prevention and Response: 100% of Better Work Factories by 2024

A&F Co. promotes zero workplace and gender-based violence.  We partnered with Better Work to strengthen our factories awareness on sexual harassment prevention and help factories develop management system and strategies to address and prevent it. As of fiscal year 2023, we have 108 factories trained via Better Work.

2023Target by 2025

Maintain Low Rate of Worker Accidents and Injuries: 2-3% Annually (industry standard)

A&F Co. had an Incident Rate of .68% in fiscal year 2023.

100%Achieved in 2023
2023Target by 2028

Perform Risk and Control Assessments: One or More to Validate Reasonable Security Practices are in Place to Protect Sensitive Information in Line with the Organization’s Risk Tolerances

A&F Co. completed its goal number of assessments in fiscal year 2023.

100%Achieved in 2023
2023Target by 2028

Maintain Secure Payment Technology: To Project Customer Payment Information in Accordance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS)

A&F Co. utilized a qualified security assessor to ensure the company was in accordance with PCI DSS in fiscal year 2023.

100%Achieved in 2023
2023Target by 2023

Sustainable Product

Responsible Down Standard (RDS) Down: Source 100% by 2025

A&F Co. achieved and maintained its goal to source 100% of down from Responsible Down Standard (RDS) certified sources since fiscal year 2020. This goal was achieved just one year into our commitment made in 2019 (and five years ahead of the target date). 

100%Achieved in 2022
2019Target by 2025

Better Cotton: Source 30% Better Cotton by 2024

A&F Co. sourced 29% of its cotton supply through Better Cotton in calendar year 2023*.

*The measurement is an estimate based on assumptions provided to, and approved by, Better Cotton concerning total cotton amounts procured by A&F Co., including but not limited to garment yields, fabric weight, average grams per square meter, fibers by fabric type.

2019Target by 2024

Recycled Polyester Fill: Source 25% by 2025

A&F Co. sourced 93% of units containing polyester fill was sourced as recycled polyester in fiscal year 2023.

2019Target by 2025

Recycled Polyester Fabric: Source 25% by 2025

A&F Co. sourced recycled polyester in 4.5% of units containing at least 25% polyester fabric in fiscal year 2023.

2019Target by 2025

Responsible Wool Standard (RWS) Wool: Source 100% by 2025 

A&F Co. sourced 60% of its virgin wool fabric through the Responsible Wool Standard in fiscal year 2023.

2019Target by 2025

Manmade Cellulosic Fiber (MMCF): Source 100% from non-endangered or ancient forests or 50% Canopy-supported Next Generation MMCF

A&F Co. traced 99% of its MMCF suppliers in fiscal year 2023 and is working to identify the percentage of MMCF sourced from non-endangered or ancient forests.

2019Target by 2025

Leather: Trace bovine leather and strive to source deforestation/ conversion free according to 3rd party standards by 2030

A&F Co. initiated its work to begin tracing its leather supply chain in fiscal year 2023

2023Target by 2030

Reduce water intensity in denim production: 30% by 2028

A&F Co. reduced the water intensity in its denim production by 30% in fiscal year 2023. 

2023Target by 2028

Use recycled water (increase the amount of water being recycled in both denim laundries and mills): 50% by 2028

A&F Co. denim laundries increased the use of recycled water by 29% in fiscal year 2023.

2023Target by 2028


Global Home Office Waste Reduction: 50% by 2025

A&F Co. reduced its waste at Global Home Office by 49% compared to a 2019 baseline in fiscal year 2023.

2019Target by 2025

Reduce Scope 1 & 2 Emissions: 47% by 2030

A&F Co. reduced its scope 1 and 2 emissions by 40% in calendar year 2023 compared to a 2019 baseline.

2019Target by 2030

Complete Environmental Self-Assessment Annually: 100% of Tier 1 and Tier 2 Suppliers by 2025

90% of A&F Co. Tier 1 and 2 suppliers completed an environmental self-assessment in calendar year 2023.

2023Target by 2025

Verify Environmental Self-Assessment Annually: 80% of Tier 1 and 2 suppliers by 2025

75% of A&F Co. Tier 1 and 2 suppliers verified their environmental self-assessment in calendar year 2023.

2023Target by 2025

Product Failures Due to Chemical Non-Compliance: < 3% by 2024

A&F Co. had 1% of product failures due to chemical non-compliance in fiscal year 2023

2023Target by 2024

Recyclable Mailers in APAC, EMEA, and USA: 100% of by 2023

100% of A&F Co. mailers in APAC, EMEA and US were recyclable in fiscal year 2023

100%Achieved in 2023
2023Target by 2023

Recyclable Polybags in USA: 100% of by 2023

100% of A&F Co. polymailers in the USA were recyclable in fiscal year 2023.

100%Achieved in 2023
2023Target by 2023

Third-Party Certified Packaging Materials: Tracking percentage by 2023

100% of third party certifications for packaging materials were tracked in fiscal year 2023.

100%Achieved in 2023
2023Target by 2023

Inspired to Make a Global Impact

Inspired to Make a Global Impact

In 2019, Abercrombie & Fitch Co. became a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact, the world’s largest corporate citizenship and sustainability initiative. As a participant, A&F Co. and its brands support and commit to the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact on human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption.

In 2021, A&F Co. submitted its second Communication on Progress (COP). The COP expresses the company’s continuing commitment to the UN Global Compact, as well as actions taken over the prior year in support of the Ten Principles.