Abercrombie & Fitch Co. is striving to source more sustainable fibers in key commodities, including cotton, polyester, down, wool and manmade cellulosic fiber.
A&F Co. is working to source more sustainable fibers by 2025.
Responsible Down Standard (RDS) Down: Source 100% by 2025
A&F Co. achieved and maintained its goal to source 100% of down from Responsible Down Standard (RDS) certified sources since fiscal year 2020. This goal was achieved just one year into our commitment made in 2019 (and five years ahead of the target date).
Better Cotton: Source 30% Better Cotton by 2024
A&F Co. sourced 29% of its cotton supply through Better Cotton in calendar year 2023*.
*The measurement is an estimate based on assumptions provided to, and approved by, Better Cotton concerning total cotton amounts procured by A&F Co., including but not limited to garment yields, fabric weight, average grams per square meter, fibers by fabric type.
Recycled Polyester Fill: Source 25% by 2025
A&F Co. sourced 93% of units containing polyester fill was sourced as recycled polyester in fiscal year 2023.
Recycled Polyester Fabric: Source 25% by 2025
A&F Co. sourced recycled polyester in 4.5% of units containing at least 25% polyester fabric in fiscal year 2023.
Responsible Wool Standard (RWS) Wool: Source 100% by 2025
A&F Co. sourced 64% of its virgin wool fabric through the Responsible Wool Standard in fiscal year 2023.
Manmade cellulosic fiber (MMCF): Source 100% from non-endangered or ancient forests or 50% Canopy-supported Next Generation MMCF
A&F Co. traced 99% of its MMCF suppliers in fiscal year 2023 and is working to identify the percentage of MMCF sourced from non-endangered or ancient forests.
Trace bovine leather & strive to source deforestation/conversion free bovine leather according to 3rd party standards
Article 13 AGEC Law/Article R.541-221 of The Environmental Code
Abercrombie & Fitch is committed to providing quality products and maintaining transparency regarding the manufacture and processing of our textile fabrics. This sheet will be a main source of information on environmental qualities and characteristics as outlined in Article 13 of the French AGEC Environmental Code.
We have a long-standing relationship with fabric suppliers with whom we source fabrics. Taking this into consideration, “processing origin” encompasses all three stages of the fabric weaving / knitting, dyeing, and printing process. It is typical for each stage of the fabric production process to take place in a single country.
The sheet is organized into columns according to brand, gender, processing origin, and product category. To begin a search, it is recommended to locate the brand and gender first. Subsequently, a list of product categories is presented based on which countries supply and process the fabrics for that category. For questions, please contact sustainability@anfcorp.com.
We’re a Cotton LEADS Partner and supports its mission to advance sustainable cotton production in the U.S. and Australia. We’re also a Better Cotton member. As a member of Better Cotton, we’re committed to improving cotton farming practices. A&F Co. is committed to sourcing 25% of our cotton as Better Cotton by 2025*.
Better Cotton’s mission is to help cotton communities survive and thrive, while protecting and restoring the environment. Better Cotton trains farmers to:
- use water efficiently, care for soil health and natural habitats, reduce use of the most harmful chemicals and respect workers’ rights and wellbeing
- care for the environment and implement the principles of Decent Work
- care for the environment and respect workers’ rights and wellbeing
- adapt to the effects of climate change
*Better Cotton is sourced via a system of Mass Balance and is not physically traceable to end products. See bettercotton.org/massbalance for details.
In calendar year 2023, A&F Co. sourced 31,943 metric tons of cotton. Of this, 9,239 metric tons was sourced through Better Cotton.

Recycled Polyester
Incorporating recycled polyester in our fabric helps to divert discarded plastic bottles, pre consumer textile waste or other virgin plastic materials from landfills to more productive use.
Recycled polyester (versus virgin polyester) releases less greenhouse gasses and uses less water and energy in the production process – lessening its environmental impact.
In fiscal year 2023, A&F Co. sourced 3,238,194 units containing polyester fill. Of this, 3,065,027 units used recycled polyester fill. Also in fiscal year 2023, A&F Co. source 93,034,647 units containing polyester fabric. Of this, 4,202,580 units used recycled polyester fabric.
Viscose & Manmade Cellulosic Fiber
Man-made cellulosic fiber (MMCF) is typically made of dissolved wood pulp and more commonly known as viscose, lyocell, rayon and/or modal. Our Cellulosic Fiber Policy, published in 2017, outlines a tracking system to improve our traceability through the supply chain. We work with Canopy and our cellulosic fiber suppliers to collaborate and support solutions that protect ancient and endangered forests.
A&F Co. is collaborating with industry partners to improve supply chain sourcing practices in a manner that will help protect endangered forests and impacted communities around the world. Within our Cellulosic Fiber Policy announced in 2017, we are committed to establishing due diligence processes and tracking systems in order to improve traceability. As part of that commitment, we publicly report the company’s progress.

Addressed to Date
- Published policy
- Notified of policy traceability requirements
- Mapped supply chain
- Identified high risk areas
- Partnered with Canopy
- Monitor and independently verify raw material locations
- Evaluate needed actions for and/or relationship with suppliers in high risk areas
- Publicly report on progress by middle of 2019
Next Steps
- Conduct risk assessments
- Establish performance metrics
Down & Wool
In 2022, A&F Co. joined Textile Exchange, a global non-profit driving positive impact on climate change across the fashion and textile industry. It guides brands, manufacturers and farmers towards purposeful production from the very start of the supply chain. A&F Co. utilizes the Textile Exchange Standards to verify sustainability claims in products, including the Responsible Down Standard (RDS), Responsible Wool Standard (RWS) and the Global Recycled Standard (GRS). To learn more, visit textileexchange.org.
We partner with down suppliers to comply with Textile Exchange’s Responsible Down Standard . By obtaining proper certification and supply chain transparency, the Responsible Down Standard (RDS) (independently) certifies down and feathers against animal welfare requirements and tracks it from farm to final product.
We work with our wool suppliers to comply with Textile Exchange’s Responsible Wool Standard. By obtaining proper certification and supply chain transparency, the Responsible Wool Standard (RWS) (independently) verifies wool animal welfare and land management requirements and tracks it from farm to final product.

A&F Co. complies with the DoddFrank Wall Street Reform Act to prevent armed groups from benefiting from the sourcing of conflict minerals from the Democratic Republic of Congo and the covered countries. As a member of the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI), we’re able to confirm suppliers are conformant with RMI’s Responsible Minerals Assurance Process (RMAP) assessment protocol.
Read more about our Conflict Mineral Policy here.